Physio Treatments | Hip and Groin Injuries

Hip & Groin Injury Treatments

Proactive Physio Galway

Hip & Groin Injuries

Hip and groin complaints are common in sports involving kicking, twisting, turning and high loads of running. Mechanical overload of hip joints and certain muscles can contribute to this persistent problem.

Our Physiotherapists Clinical Pilates training and MSc research on sports injuries, has guided our development of a program that addresses the problems areas of hip, groin and back pain.

Previous history of injury is the biggest risk factor for further hip/groin injury. Clinical tests of adductor strength and hip range of motion further identify those at risk of injury.

Sports-related low back pain usually doesn’t stop you participating in the sport but it can disrupt your training schedule, limit your strength and conditioning progress and contribute to increased muscle pain and soreness on a day to day basis.

Our dedicated rehab programs focus on:

  • Increasing hip mobility
  • Activating deep glut muscles
  • Strengthening adductor muscles
  • Optimising abdominal control
  • Increasing endurance of trunk muscles
  • Training pain-free movement patterns
  • Increasing spinal mobility and control
  • Improving balance and proprioception
  • Retraining single leg landing strategies

We also guide you in:

  • Managing Training Load
  • Identifying when body is at increased risk of injury
  • Prioritising sleep and recovery

We assess each person individually, going through your past history of injuries, any reports you have and specific clinical tests. This will give you an insight into why you have your current injuries and what is your prognosis for recovery and return to sport. 
Assessment is based on specific clinical tests recommended by current research findings in UK and Ireland published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

We are very open to collaborating with your current physio or doctor, coach or trainer, to optimise the management of your hip and groin or back pain. The more information we have the better!

*physio nerds….please find references below that we use to guide our hip and groin rehabilitation programs.

1.  Reiman MP, Thorborg K. Femoroacetabular impingement surgery: are we moving too fast and too far beyond the evidence? Br J of Sports Med 2015;49(12):782-4.

2.  Agricola R, Weinans H. “Femoroacetabular impingement: what is its link with osteoarthritis?” Br  J Sports Med 2015 10.1136

3. Reiman et al “Diagnostic accuracy of clinical tests for the diagnosis of hip femoroacetabular impingement/labral tear: a systematic review with meta-analysis” Br J Sports Med 2015;49:12 811

4. Siebenrock KA et al “Prevalence of CAM-type Deformity and Hip Pain in Elite Ice Hockey Players Before and After the End of Growth” Am J Sports Med 2013 41:2308

5. Thorborg K et al “Clincial assessment of hip strength using a hand-held dynamometer is reliable” Scand J Med Sci Sports 2010 20:493-501

6. Weir A et al “Prevalence of radiological signs of FAI in patients presenting with long-standing adductor-related groin pain” Br J of Sports Med 2011 45:6-9

7. Diamond LE et al ” Physical Impairments and activity limitations in people with FAI: a systematic review” Br J Sports Med 2015 49:230-242

8. Mosler AB et al “Which factors differentiate athletes with hip/groin pain from those without? A systematic review with meta-analysis” Br J of Sports Med 2015 49:810

9. Weir A et al ” Doha agreement meeting on terminology and definitions in groin pain in athletes” 2015 Br J Sports Med 49: 768-744

10. Sernar A et al ” Study quality on groin injury management remains low: a systematic review on treatment of groin pain in athletes Br J Sports Med 2015 49:813

11. Sayed Mohammod W et al “Concentric and eccentric strength of trunk muscles in osteitis pubis in soccer players” J of Back Musculoskel Rehab 2014 27:147-152

12 Sheen AJ ” Treatment of the Sportsman’s groin, British Hernia Society’s 2014 position statement based on Manchester Consensus Conference” Br J Sports Med 2014 48: 1079-1087

13. Nevin & Delahunt “Adductor Squeeze test values and hip joint ROM in Gaelic Football Athletes with longstanding groin pain” J Sci Med in Sport 2014 1440-2440

Meet Our Team

clara linnane

Chartered Physio

Margaret O'Connor

Chartered Physio

Michelle Biggins

Chartered Physio

Colin Nash

Chartered Physio

Physio Treatments | Hip and Groin Injuries

Clinic conveniently located in Oranmore
Individualised Exercise Programs
Experienced Physios you can Trust
Comprehensive Assessment & Diagnosis

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Margaret O'Connor



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